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Actor Tim Allen, now has his amateur radio licence for real. His call sign is KK6OTD.
See the following for the full story.....
On 23rd December, 2013, I worked HV0A, on 20m, short path. The operator gave his name as Francesco and was working a huge pile up (split operation). I have received my QSL card back recently from Francesco IK0FVC, claiming that this was a PIRATE. I have sent off an e-mail to Francesco to clarify this situation. Watch this space ! Recently I also worked YI1IRQ on 15m, and I have since become involved that this station is possibly a Pirate. shows this to be the case. As per my QSO with YI1IR, I have sent a few e-mails to the Iraqui Amateur Radio Society and never received a reply. So I guess, sadly I just need to assume that YI1IRQ is also a Pirate operator. This leaves Iraq, unworked on 15m for me. Australia is in the grips of a severe Heatwave. I live in the Adelaide Hills, where the temperature today reached 44 degrees C. This is now the 4th day in a row where the temperature has been above 40 degrees C. In some parts of South Australia, the temperature has reached 48 degrees C. This map shows temperatures across Australia as of 14th January. The red areas are temperatures of 30 deg C. The light brown areas are temperatures of 42 degrees C. The dark brown areas are temperatures of 45 degrees C. There have been devastating bush fires in Western Australia with over 50 homes lost and 1 life lost. Here in South Australia there has been hundreds of bush fires, with numerous still burning. One home has been lost, about 20 km from my home. There are also large bush fires burning in Victoria. A thriller due for release in August stars Harrison Ford (among others) as a technology billionaire who is also a ham radio operator. Amateur radio plays a small role in the film, titled "Paranoia." It is about efforts by Harrison's character and a rival businessman played by Gary Oldman to destroy each other, and the story centers on a young tech genius (played by Liam Hemsworth) who gets caught in the middle of their battle. The film debuts on August 16. The VK5 National & Conservation Parks Award celebrates its 6 month anniversary in October, 2013. A special activation weekend will be held on Saturday the19th & Sunday 20th October, 2013. Numerous amateurs will be operating from South Australia's National & Conservation Parks over that weekend. I will be travelling to the Yorke Peninsula and hope to activate 8 parks (7 CP's & 1 NP). I received very sad news from the UK a week or so ago, that Pete, G6UOI, is now a silent key. Pete apparently had a massive heart attack, aged just 53. I was very shocked & saddened by this news. I had worked Pete many many times on 20m whilst he was pedestrian mobile, and we corresponded regularly via e-mail. In fact Pete had sent me an e-mail just the day before he died. I had also received a card in the mail from him for his special call of GV6UOI, and I had written out a card for Pete along with a few photos of my family, to mail back to him. He will be sadly missed. Certainly a true gentleman. RIP Pete. Below are the new QSL cards for the Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society's club call sign, VK5BAR.
Courtesy of Gennady, UX5UO Print. Between 9th June 2013 - 16th June 2013, I visited the Eyre Peninsula in South Australia. The main reason was to visit family & friends but I did manage a fair bit of radio.
Activated a handful of summits as part of SOTA, and activated some National & Conservation Parks as part of the VK5 National & Conservation Parks Award. Just used QRP 5 watts from my Yaesu FT-817nd and 40m/20m linked dipole. Below is a summary of my activity.
AuthorPaul SIMMONDS, Archives
October 2014