Below are some amateur radio videos. These will be added to and deleted over time.
Operating as VI100PEACE at the Murrayville Flora Reserve in November 2018
Contact with Tim 2E0TWG.....his first ever VK contact, and on his birthday.
QRP contact with Marc VK6OP
As heard by VK3FILB, May 2015, whilst I was portable in a park
QSO with Phil 2E0UDX pedestrian mobile
Home brew tx of VK3PB
An excellent presentation on EMR/EMI
Assembly line of the new Kenwood TS-990
WW2 file of the SCR-694 radio set
Trike Mobile by Midland Amateur Radio Club.
This was a short run into the Axedale Market on May 23, 2013 as a prelude to a much longer event to be held later in 2013. Tadpole trike plans available from Transceivers on blue trike: Yaesu FT-857 on 40m HF with magloop antenna, dual band whip on VHF/UHF with Kenwood TH-D72A for APRS position reporting. Tony, VK3IRL on red trike.
This was a short run into the Axedale Market on May 23, 2013 as a prelude to a much longer event to be held later in 2013. Tadpole trike plans available from Transceivers on blue trike: Yaesu FT-857 on 40m HF with magloop antenna, dual band whip on VHF/UHF with Kenwood TH-D72A for APRS position reporting. Tony, VK3IRL on red trike.
Dave G4AKC pedestrian mobile, 2E0UDX mobile, & G6UOI pedestrian mobile. 20m long path.
Item from the ABC TV show 'The Collectors" featuring Martin VK7GN
20m Long path QSO with Vaho 4L8A and Tamaz 44TLL
20m QSO with Dick, G4ICP portable.
QSO with VK3XPT/7 QRP Portable at Binalong Bay Tasmania, on 20m. His equipment:- Yaesu FT-817ND, Miracle Ducker TL, 30ft counterpoise wire (optional), 5000maH Li-Po battery.
Recorded with Samsung SGS2.
20m short path QSO with Max, IT9AKC Mobile.
January, 2013.
Morse Code vs. SMS
Jay Leno show, 2009.
20m QSO with Pete, G6UOI pedestrian mobile & Phil, 2E0UDX using just
5 watts.
August, 2012.
20m QSO with David, M0DAD who was pedestrian mobile on Blyth Beach, Northumberland, on the east coast of the UK.
August, 2012.
Amazing footage of technicians climbing a 1,768 feet radio tower.
10m QSO on Long path with Serge, UR3CTB.
Nov 2012.
Herman Munster on Ham Radio (no this is not me !).
My signal as heard in Ireland on the long path.
May 2012.
QSO on the long path with EC7UP portable in Spain.
Dec 2011
A great promotional video from the RSGB on amateur radio.
20m QSO on the long path with Andy, EC1CZL in Spain.
Aug, 2012
20m QSO on the long path with Andy, EC1CZL in Spain.
May, 2012
Working Pai, VU2PAI, from the home address of Sasi, VK5SN, at Hallett Cove, S.A.
This is a portion of the 7.130 DX Net on 4th January, 2013.
As heard on at the home address of Paul, VK5PAS, in the Adelaide Hills (filmed on his iPhone).
A WebSDR receiver is a software defined radio connected to the Internet, allowing many listeners to listen and tune it simultaneously.
This particular receiver is located in Melbourne, Australia and is operated by Andy VK3YT, e-mail [email protected].
It consists of Four Soft rock Ensemble II RX receivers.
Stations heard are Brian ZL2ASH; Richard VK3IDX; Mal VK5MJ (Net Control); Andy VK4HHH; & Chuck K9RM.
As heard on at the home address of Paul, VK5PAS, in the Adelaide Hills (filmed on his iPhone).
A WebSDR receiver is a software defined radio connected to the Internet, allowing many listeners to listen and tune it simultaneously.
This particular receiver is located in Melbourne, Australia and is operated by Andy VK3YT, e-mail [email protected].
It consists of Four Soft rock Ensemble II RX receivers.
Stations heard are Brian ZL2ASH; Richard VK3IDX; Mal VK5MJ (Net Control); Andy VK4HHH; & Chuck K9RM.