Saturday 20th & Sunday 21st August
In 2016, a team of 5 operators from the Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society headed to Cape WIlloughby. They were myself, Chris VK4FR/5, Andrew VK5CV, John VK5EMI and Mike VK5FVSV. John's wife Dee also accompanied us on this trip and was the only brave female to put up with us blokes!
We commenced operations late on Friday afternoon after finishing the erection of the antennas and various stations, and concluded on Monday morning.
Our accomodation was the old lighthouse keeper cottages.
We had two stations running: one on the old weather station and one in a storage area behind one of the cottages.
We commenced operations late on Friday afternoon after finishing the erection of the antennas and various stations, and concluded on Monday morning.
Our accomodation was the old lighthouse keeper cottages.
We had two stations running: one on the old weather station and one in a storage area behind one of the cottages.
A total of 50 QSOs were made on the Friday, with 224 QSOs being made on Saturday, 251 QSOs on Sunday, and then 20 QSOs to wrap up on the Monday morning.
Some stats from the weekend
Our final QSO count for the 2016 ILLW was 547 contacts on the 160, 80, 40, 30, 20 and 2 m bands, on PHONE, CW, PSK, and JT65. We worked a total of 36 different countries. A breakdown of our contacts is as follows……
- 504- PHONE (HF)
- 28 – JT65
- 6 – PSK31
- 2 – CW
- 7 – 2m Crafers repeater
Bands worked
Whilst at Cape Willoughby we tried as many bands as possible. We even gave 10m and 15m a go, but despite numerous CQ calls at various times of the day, we had no takers. Most of our activity, not surprising, was on the 40m band with a total of 277 QSOs. This was followed by 20m, where a lot of DX in Europe was worked. And then followed by 80m with 46 QSOs.
But we did have some fun on 160m, making 13 contacts into VK2, VK3, VK5, and VK6.
We made just 1 QSO on 30m, and 7 QSOs on 2m.
But we did have some fun on 160m, making 13 contacts into VK2, VK3, VK5, and VK6.
We made just 1 QSO on 30m, and 7 QSOs on 2m.
Number of QSOs per day
As was to be expected most of our activity was over the weekend itself – Saturday and Sunday. A total of 224 QSOs were made on Saturday and 253 on Sunday. See the bar graph below….
Number of lighthouses worked
We made a total of 61 contacts with other lighthouses around the world. The majority of those were in Australia (a total of 57), but we did work 3 lighthouses in New Zealand, and one in Scotland. Of the 65 Australian lighthouses that were listed as entrants for 2016 on the ILLW page, we worked 31 of them. Almost 50%. Along with three more that were not recorded on the list.
QSL information.
- Direct - Mr. John Elliott, QSL Manager, Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society, PO Box 401, Blackwood, South Australia, 5051.
- Bureau
- eQSL
I designed our QSL card and it was printed by UX5UO Print.
The cover features a photograph of the lighthouse at the end of Cape WIlloughby Road (taken by VK5PAS).
The cover features a photograph of the lighthouse at the end of Cape WIlloughby Road (taken by VK5PAS).
Below is our eQSL card.